Linda, one of our favorite people of all time, gave Ellie these beautiful butterfly/fairy wings. Ellie loves the part on her Signing Time video where the butterfly flys for the first time. Linda saw these and thought of Ellie. I think Ellie really liked them. She did not want to take them off for tummy time. It got me thinking too about dress up and how I don't have any costumes for her or even a tea set though she loves the I'm A Little Teacup Song and book. I think I must get her a tea set so we can have tea parties and maybe some feather boas and big hats and costume jewelery so we can play dress up. Where are my Victorian grandmother's 100 year old attic treasures when I need them?! Never the less this was Ellie's first time outside of Halloween playing dress up. Thanks Linda! You have opened up a whole new world of play for us!
Ellie is supporting Eire while cheering me up after surgery. I have to record the giggle that goes along with that cheeky grin!
Here she is taking her first step ever in a Rifkin walker at PT yesterday. Jessica is a great PT that we are going to outside of New School. Ellie took about 5 steps total and did a fair job at holding herself up though I think it was very difficult and scary. I am so proud of her to have taken steps just the same. Go Ellie!!!