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Saturday, February 17, 2018

Stand Out Days

Hi. Back from my surgery - new hip installed. Very unhappy to find out the technology did not include iron man type capabilities or even Wifi, but then again my bar was set pretty low. It's been so long with that joint not functioning that my main goals were to be able to stand upright, walk without a limp, and not be in agonizing pain all the time. So far I have met goal one. Am working on healing and physical therapy to get to goals two and three.

I'm sitting here now with Dave, Ellie, and Nanny Bernie as they make a portfolio. It's part of a kit she got from her uncle. Ellie's attention is waning but Dave is gently keeping her in the game. In school they teach the kids about having their "brain in the group" and identifying which zone they are in and which emotional zone they need to get to, to have their brain in the group. I  love all of this. Adults need it too.

The folio is meant for a sketchbook but Ellie wants to put her newbies in it.  Watching them work together to make this is the most heartwarming thing and I feel grateful for these lovely souls who make up my family.

More pics later.

I hope you feel similar awe about those closest to you and if you don't now - I wish it for you in the future. I know what it feels like not to have that so maybe that's why I am so grateful now.   That's the thing about adversity. It kicks the entitlement right out of you and makes you appreciate what you have.

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