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Friday, May 11, 2007

Happy Mother's Day and Who knew?!

Mother's Day was originated by Julie Ward Howe as peace movement. I found her words below here.

"We, the women of one country,

Will be too tender of those of another country

To allow our sons to be trained to injure theirs."

--Julia Ward Howe, 1870 Mother's Peace Day Proclamation

The brief history of Mother's Day below is from this site:

In the United States, Mother's Day was originally suggested by poet and social activist Julia Ward Howe. In 1870, after witnessing the carnage of the American Civil War and the start of the Franco-Prussian War, she wrote the original Mother's Day Proclamation calling upon the women of the world to unite for peace. This "Mother's Day Proclamation" would plant the seed for what would eventually become a national holiday.

After writing the proclamation, Howe had it translated into many languages and spent the next two years of her life distributing it and speaking to women leaders all over the world. In her book Reminiscences, Howe wrote, "Why do not the mothers of mankind interfere in these matters to prevent the waste of that human life of which they alone bear and know the cost?" She devoted much of the next two years to this cause, and began holding annual "Mother's Day" gatherings in Boston, Massachusetts and elsewhere.

In 1907, thirty-seven years after the proclamation was written, women's rights activist Anna Jarvis began campaigning for the establishment of a nationally observed Mother¹s Day holiday. And in 1914, four years after Howe's death, President Woodrow Wilson declared Mother's Day as a national holiday.

I wanted to wish all the amazing mother's I have met on this different path, Happy Mother's Day. Thank you all for the insights, hugs, laughs, stories, and the work you all do in your own way to make the world a more enlightened place for our litte ones who will need the world to understand them a little better.


Danielle said...

Little tiny baby Ellie!!

PS: I missed the 'doctor' post and will comment there in a second.

Mel said...

Happy Mothers Day to you too!

msiagirl said...

hey darlings, Happy Mother's Day to a wonderful Mum - love to all and hugs to all!

Jacqui said...

Happy mothers day Kathryn. I hope you enjoy your special day!

Anonymous said...

Heya Kat,

Happy Mother's Day. Hope you get something nice from Davey coz lord knows u deserve it for all your hard work. Chin up and remember the stanley family motto " Sleep is for the Weak" :)
Love yiz
Auntie Sue

kate said...

happy mother's day, ryn!

Angela said...

Happy, Happy Mother's Day!!!



Lori said...

This photo brought tears to my eyes. So beautiful.